Monday, May 18, 2009



Angeb is the most impotent passion that accompanies the mind of man. It effects nothing it goes about; and hurts the man who is possessed by it more than any other against whom it is directed. Lord Clarendon.

He that would be angry and sin not must not be angry with anything but sin. T. Seeker.

An angry man who suppresses his passions thinks worse than he speaks; and an angry man that will chide speaks worse than he thinks. Bacon.

The intoxication of anger, like that of the grape, shows us to others, but hides us from ourselves, and we injure our own cause, in the opinion of the world, when we too passionately and eagerly defend it.

C. C. Cotton.

When a man is wrong and won't admit it, he always gets angry. T. C. Haliburton.

Those passionate persons who carry their heart in their mouth are rather to be pitied than feared; their threatenings serving no other purpose than to forearm him that is threatened. T. Fuller.

He best keeps from anger who remembers that God is always looking upon him. Plato.

He submits himself to be seen through a microscope, who suffers himself to be caught in a fit of passion. J. C. Lavater.

If anger is not restrained, it is frequently more hurtful to us than the injury that provokes it. Seneca.

Of all bad things by which mankind are cursed,
Their own bad tempers surely are the worst.

B. Cumberland.

.... Senseless and deformed, Convulsive anger storms at large ; or, pale And silent, settles into full revenge.

J. Thomson.

Full many mischiefs follow cruel wrath,
Abhorred bloodshed, and tumultuous strife,

Unmanly murder, and unthrifty scathe,
Bitter despite, with rancor's rusty knife,
And fretting grief—the enemy of life.

E. Spenser.

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